Client PR Wins
I started my business in 2013!
My business partner and I incorporated our company, Affiliate Content Magic, on Jan. 13. We created a software product that marketers ...
Found: Your New Favorite Hoodie — & It’ll Last A Lifetime
Everyone has one — a beloved comfortable, perfectly-fitting hoodie that smells good, feels good, and looks good – something to lounge in...
On Twitter, and the steps to design consistency
In late 2012, Twitter sent a warning to its third-party developers — they would soon deny Twitter API access to the majority of the ...
Ex-Aon Senior Exec Pursues Social & Entrepreneurial Dream
After five years of helping to reinvigorate Aon Corp., Ted Devine, a senior executive, left the firm in 2009 to pursue his dream of helping inner city youths become better citizens...
Six-String Central
Professional and amateur guitarists alike know that the place to go for an incomparable instrument is the Chicago Music Exchange...
Can Crowd-Sourcing Shake Up Education?
Former teacher Alex Grodd is betting on social media to solve a big problem in education: how to tap other teachers' hands-on experience for what works in the classroom...
A Web Start-up That Could Impact Every US School
Teachers may be the users of classroom products in K-12 schools in the U.S., but others in the schools actually choose which products to buy, such as textbooks and technology...