Client PR Wins
Former Aon Exec Devine Goes Micro
Ted Devine has moved just across the Loop from his old digs in the Aon Center where he was a top executive at the tower's namesake company...
Can Re-Tune the Online Used Guitar Market?
David Kalt has a thing about eBay. eBay’s too big. It’s too impersonal. Its sales cut is too high.
Spinaris Capital Selects OptionsCity for FX and Options Trading
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Latency Has Been Put on the Back-Burner
The race to zero is a thing of the past says OptionsCity.
Avoid these deadly mistakes when pitching angel investors
It's easy to get the impression that any entrepreneur who scrawls an idea on the back of an envelope can get funded these days.
Deflating 4 Myths About the Wonders of Cloud Computing
Whether inside or outside the technology sector, entrepreneurs find themselves constantly wrestling with tech decisions that affect their...
View IT Assets as an Investor, Not a Consumer
As consumers in a short-attention span world, the constant onslaught of new technology has led all of us to mindlessly collect countless ...
10 Things Your Mother Taught You That Will Help Your Business Grow
Mother’s Day has arrived, and for me, it's bittersweet. It's my first since having lost my mother earlier this year. In her honor and to ...
7 strategies for balancing work and life
If you feel like you’re overbooked from the moment you step in the shower until the moment you collapse into bed, you’re not alone among...
Why Women CEOs Are More Likely to Be Forced Out
“Corporate America is a man’s world,” says Carly Fiorina. The former CEO of technology giant Hewlett-Packard was considered to be one of ...
Office Space: Chicago Music Exchange
David Kalt sees his Roscoe Village retail guitar center as more an art gallery than a store...
Big Data, Little Urgency
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20 In Their 20s: Ted Gonder of Moneythink
When Ted Gonder talks about teaching young people about personal finance, important people listen-including some of the nation's top ...
What Michael Lewis Missed: 4 Factors More Important Than Latency for Automated Traders
Ultra-low latency is simply no longer the most impactful factor influencing success and failure, writes OptionsCity Software.
How a U of C program gets students up to speed for trading industry
Forget sports. At some elite universities, algorithmic trading competitions offer plenty of action. In March, the University of Chicago ...