Winning a Transformative Contract
Winning a Transformative Contract
PEAK6 is a phenomenally successful proprietary trading firm, with a track record built on its twin strengths in technology and risk management. With that background, PEAK6 identified the insurance industry as a perfect fit for future investment. Its first step was the acquisition of National Flood Services (NFS), a flood insurance carrier and claims processing platform.
Challenge: Establish Trust and Momentum
PEAK6 acquired NFS shortly before FEMA’s National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) was to select the new exclusive platform for its flood-related insurance services. A senior NFS executive, who had been a client during his time at Insureon, brought Propllr on board to establish the trust and momentum required to give FEMA decision-makers confidence in NFS.
Strategy: Lead with Thought Leadership and Show Momentum
First, Propllr counseled NFS to focus on narratives that would demonstrate both the company’s depth of expertise and the strength of its technology, with a focus on timely ideas that would grab the attention of reporters, the industry, and FEMA.
To build trust, Propllr positioned NFS executives at the forefront of key industry trends, such as the introduction of Risk Rating 2.0, which reset effective flood zones across the U.S. We also led a consumer research effort to position NFS as the leading authority on people’s readiness for flood damage. To create a steady drumbeat of momentum, Propllr identified internal NFS milestones that were press release-worthy, such as the development and launch of their new technology platform, Trident.
We underpinned these media narratives with similar insights on the NFS blog. In many cases, we led with owned content, using it to demonstrate the depth and quality of thought leaders’ insights when pitching the media.
Results: NFIP Selects NFS
In October 2020, just over six months from the effective start of the Propllr program, NFIP selected NFS to be the sole provider of NFIP Direct services, handling quotes, applications, policy issuance, premium payment processing, and policies management for insurance agents nationally.
Propllr’s project with NFS continued beyond this point, and overall, Propllr won coverage in every insurance industry vertical outlet, as well as high-authority mainstream media outlets like Business Insider and Money. See below for a sampling of the coverage NFS earned.
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